Monday, October 09, 2006

Honour your parents .

Last evening I had a phone call from a friend of mine .She is sixty five years old .She has five children , two boys and three girls .All of them got married and have children .Her husband died some seven years ago .She is getting a monthly pension .She lives with her son .She used to help in all works at home .Recently she became sick and had to undergo a surgery . The children are not ready to take care of her . They help the mother so reluctantly that she feels about it .I know a number of old people suffer like this .The Bible says to honour your parents when they are old ,so that you will live longer in this world . We must realise that we are to become old parents oneday .We will reap what we sow .Let us be careful in honouring our parents .

Sunday, October 08, 2006

An ideal family .

When I write about an ideal family , I think about my own family. I worked as a teacher and my husband was a professor in a private college. He passed away sixteen years back leaving me with two children .We had a happy married life of seventeen years .He helped me in all my household works .He even took care of children when I was not at home .He loved us and cared for us .Especially he put his trust on me ,and gave me full freedom .So his death affected me much,but God gave me strength to face the world with courage. Now my children got married and live happily .They show the same love and affection to me as my husband did .They value my opinions and seek my guidance .This makes my life meaningful .I thank God for my idel family .

Friday, October 06, 2006

Husbands ,love your wives .

In a family , everyone has a responsibility . Husbands must love their wives . If love is thick , faults will be thin . In some families ,the husband will be shoting all the time , with or without reason .He is the head of the family , planning the things , deciding important issues ,and disciplining the children .At the sametime , he must show love and affection to the family members . He must not be harsh to anyone .Children should feel free to express their feelings to parents .Then they will not be misguided by others .

A good wife who can find ?

Marriages are made in heaven ,everyone agrees .If it is so ,why so many broken homes? Statistics says that even in India ,which has traditions about family , divorce cases are increasing day by day.Parents dont bother about their children who are affected much by separated parents .In the Bible , good qualities of an ideal wife are listed .She will get up early in the morning, takes care of all household activities ,looks after business , and does everything for the good of the family .The most important thing is ,the heart of her husband trusts in her .What is lacking in a family is this .Husband and wife must believe each other.They should share everything between them .This is the secret of a happy family .

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Our life is full of activities.We do so many things everyday But we suffer a lot because we dont know how to tackle time management.We must do things in time.If we waste time ,we will not be able to do things as scheduled.We must know the importance of things and act accordingly.What should be done first must be decided by us .Then our activities will be fruitful.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Physically challenged ?

Yesterday I went to the railway station to see my friend off.I saw a blindman in the compartment .Two blind girls came to send him off.I was watching them with surprise.Three of them were happy over a cup of coffee.They were not at allbothered about their disability.The other passengers were worried about their convenient journey.Those who were on the platform went on giving instructions to those who were inside the compartment.I began to ponder. Physical disablity is really a challenge. They have more self confidence than ordinary people.Shall we call it a gift given to them by God?

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Too busy to forget God?

In this busy world we see people worry about many things.They work hard for their children .They earn a lot of money. They dont spend time with their children. Children are left with nurses.They want to share their ideas with their parents. But they dont see them having time to spare for them.It results in problem children.Not only that ,man is too busy in this world to neglect his creator,God.God waits for him ,but man runs after the worldly things,which are perishable.God is patiently waiting for man to come to Him to receive the blessings He has for him. Let us spend time with God to live a blessed life in this world.