Friday, February 29, 2008

Can money make you happy?

We live in this world .God created this world and saw that everthing was good. In the garden of Eden ,Adam and Eve were happy , walking around ,admiring nature,talking with God, till the fall of man .They ate the forbidden fruit and they were chased out of the garden of Eden, and there started every problem. Man became restless, started worrying about his safety , food and shelter. Now ,in this modern world also,man is so busy that he lost his happiness. Money alone cannot make a man happy. We must spare our time for our family ,and make our life meaningful and joyful.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Life is a game. Play it.

Human life is precious.We have a family. We have friends. We work with colleagues,who co operate with us. We differ from animals in having common sense. Not only that ,we have a special gift, that is laughter .But people dont laugh when they have to .I saw some people in a park when I went for a walk. They stand in a circle and laugh at nothing. They do it as an exercise. What a pity. Life is given to us to enjoy and be useful to our fellow men. Laugh and be merry and make life meaningful.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

All the world is a stage .

A friend of mine is sixty two years old and retired from service .She is so much attached to her daughter who got married recently . She went to be with her and her husband who is sixty five years old is all alone in his house . Many people are like this . They dont want to part with their children even after their marriage .They dont realize oneday they have to leave the stage as Shakespeare puts it . We dont know when we will leave this world forever . So we must be ready to be detached from the bondage of our relationships in this world and be prepared to meet our eternal life .

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Peace be with you.

When Jesus lived in this world, he taught many things to His disciples through parables. One richman wanted to build larger barns to store the excess wheat of his harvest. He told himself to eat and enjoy life. God told him ,Fool, if you die today who will get what all you stored?Our life on earth is temporary and we have to seek our eternal life.God will give you peace in this world and in life after death.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


We are living in a busy world. We come across terrororism ,bomb blast , accidents ,murder ,etc, etc,Once we go out of our house ,we are not sure of returning .Our mind is perplexed with so many uncertainities .But to those who believe in Lord Jesus Christ ,nothing will disturb their peace of mind. Because their faith is in God ,they will take everything easily, and they will be undisturbed by silly things .What about YOU ?

Friday, February 22, 2008

New Years vision,

Sorry for belated wishes for a prosperous New Year.We may not be knowing what will happen to us in this year.We may be planning to do so many things , our vision may include so many activities,but we forget onething, God , our creator has a plan for our life, and only His plan will be fulfilled in our life. So we must surrender ourselves to His will and be relaxed in our daily affairs .Then nothing will disturb our peace of mind .May His peace abide in you this year.