Thursday, July 27, 2006

what a busy world.

The world today is a very busy one. Every one is busy about something or other. Children run after their studies. Parents are after their work. Neighbours don't have time to see who are living next door. Even the family members hardly talk to each other. Home has no room for sharing of emotions anymore. The main objective of man is nothing but money. Somebody rightly said ' money is an agent of killing people.Materialism has occupied the minds of mankind. Nothing seems to be more important than money. MONEY shold be our servant and not our master.Then only we could see the real value of relationships. Let us come out of the busy world and realise the real value of people.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

......................and spoil the child

Children are gift of God. They make parents and others happy at home. They are like angels moving in and around the house entertaining everyone. Some people treat them as idols and give undue importance and spoil them. The Bible says’ ’Do not withhold discipline from a child, if you beat him with a rod, he will not die.’’ Children should be trained properly when they are young. If they are left un controlled , they will become a nuisance in future. If you want to make your children a blessing to the society, you must teach them right things to be done in right time.

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

An Ideal Wife

Who can find a good wife? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts her, and he will gain in everything. She does him good. She works with willing hands. She is like the ships of the merchant. She gets up early in the morning and provides food for everyone and works for the servants. She works hard and buys new properties. Her business is profitable. She shines like an everlasting light to everyone. She helps the poor and needy. She makes linen garments and sells them. She is strong and dignified in her clothing. She talks wisely and she is kind to everyone. She is not idle and she looks after her household works .Her children call her blessed. Her husband praises her saying that she surpasses the excellent women.

Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

To be or not to be?

It is red in colour and shining in the cup. It goes down slowly and smoothly. You enjoy drinking it and say that you forget all your worries. Finally it bites like a serpent and stings like an adder. You lose yourself and will see strange things.You will be like one who lies down in the midst of the sea and like one who lies on the top of the mast. Even if somebody beats you , you will not feel it. If anybody strikes you , you will not feel hurt. When you wake up, you will seek another cup.

Yes, these are the words about drinking of wine by King Solomon, the Wise , in his Proverbs.Drinking is a fashion among the elite of the society. Students become addict to it. It is a cheap entertainment among the poor. Whatever it is, it spoils your health and leads you faster to your grave.Would you like to have a cup of wine? Want to die soon? O .K .Proceed.

Friday, July 21, 2006

About Riches

There is a palatial building guarded by securities. Various ornamental plants and trees are found in the garden. Stewards and servants are many in number attending the master of the house. The dinner table is ready with varieties of delicious dishes and drinks. BUT there is no peace in the hearts of the master and inmates of the house.

King Solomon the Wise says, “One who eats a morsel of food quietly in a small hut is better than the rich man who feasts with strife.”

Do you know who this King Solomon is? He was the king of Israel. He ruled the people well. God was pleased with his ways and told him to ask for anything and it would be granted .King Solomon asked for wisdom and knowledge to rule the big and promised land of Israel. God was very much pleased .He granted his wish .In addition to that, God gave him riches, possessions, and honour. None before him or after him is equal to him in wisdom was the promise given by God. Such a blessed king as Solomon says this in his proverbs in the Bible.

Welcome to Have a glance

Wars, earthquakes bomb blasts everywhere across the world. Anger, ego problems, misunderstanding, irritating others, hurting human feelings – these are the sharp weapons we come across among families, colleagues , members of the society.

"Peace be with you" --- yes these are the words we long to hear and I hear them every moment I turn to His word.That peace cannot be given by the world, and cannot be taken away by the world.

Yes , I enjoy this divine peace given by Lord Jesus Christ.I invite everyone of you to enjoy the same peace with me by reading The Holy Bible.