Saturday, July 22, 2006

To be or not to be?

It is red in colour and shining in the cup. It goes down slowly and smoothly. You enjoy drinking it and say that you forget all your worries. Finally it bites like a serpent and stings like an adder. You lose yourself and will see strange things.You will be like one who lies down in the midst of the sea and like one who lies on the top of the mast. Even if somebody beats you , you will not feel it. If anybody strikes you , you will not feel hurt. When you wake up, you will seek another cup.

Yes, these are the words about drinking of wine by King Solomon, the Wise , in his Proverbs.Drinking is a fashion among the elite of the society. Students become addict to it. It is a cheap entertainment among the poor. Whatever it is, it spoils your health and leads you faster to your grave.Would you like to have a cup of wine? Want to die soon? O .K .Proceed.


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