Sunday, January 03, 2021

Back to church!

 Really, getting ready to go to church after 9 months is exciting. Yes, I went to church this morning with my son's family. Attending the service, no words can describe my emotions. My eyes were filled with tears of thankfulness, Yes, I am back in the presence of my Creator who kept me safe in His mighty hands during the pandemic situation His abundant grace sustained me thus far, Surely it will be there in my future. 

Friday, January 01, 2021

After a long break.

 After a long time, I  am excited to see my previous blogs, Anyhow, 2021 is a new beginning to share my thoughts. Though we never expected, many unexpected things happened in 2020.Corona taught us so many things, including concern  for humanity. Yes, I thought much about less privileged and downtrodden people who are the majority in our society. To some extent, I helped them. I never forget to pray for them even now. Because the pandemic situation still prevails. The Almighty God only knows the end. Let us hope for the best.