Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Be humble

It is very difficult to be humble.Jesus Christ when He was living in this world,on the day of His crucifiction,He was humiliated by the soldiers of Rome.They beat Him, spit on His face,whipped Him, teased Him,and so on.

Monday, March 10, 2008


We talk of accidents often and sometimes we meet with accidents.How is our reaction? We must not be nervous, we must decide what to do next?Some are much scared and worried about things which did not occur to them. Fear will worsen things. Let us be calm in our actions and also decisions.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

What is Lent?

Christians observe forty days as lent days before they celebrate Easter. Lent means spring season.During this season, the trees give out new twigs and it is beautiful to look at the green new leaves .In the same way we are supposed to give up all our bad habits and put on fresh ones. So lent is a period of transformation in us. So let us begin a new life from this day.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Womens Day.

It is a pleasure we have a special day to celebrate as womens day. We talk about freedom of women, equality with men ,social evils against women etc, etc, etc. But do women of today do their duty properly? Definitely NO. Ask me why?They simply forget that they are the makers of their homes. Money is not a criteria in most of the families today. They neglect their duties to their husbands, children, and even aged parents in law. Once India had a tradition that women took care of the home and all domestic works were done by them, and they were quite content in their family life. Now that tradition is at stake. and we are slowly losing happy homes in India.Let us take a pledge to regain them now.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Love endures all things.

Love your neighbour as you love yourself .Is it possible?Some people do not love their own selves. Some curse their birthday.They dont want to live in this world at all. They are the pitiable persons in this beautiful world. Faults are thick when love is thin. If we love somebody,we will not magnify their faults. Wewill tolerate what all they do.