Be humble
It is very difficult to be humble.Jesus Christ when He was living in this world,on the day of His crucifiction,He was humiliated by the soldiers of Rome.They beat Him, spit on His face,whipped Him, teased Him,and so on.
It is very difficult to be humble.Jesus Christ when He was living in this world,on the day of His crucifiction,He was humiliated by the soldiers of Rome.They beat Him, spit on His face,whipped Him, teased Him,and so on.
Love your neighbour as you love yourself .Is it possible?Some people do not love their own selves. Some curse their birthday.They dont want to live in this world at all. They are the pitiable persons in this beautiful world. Faults are thick when love is thin. If we love somebody,we will not magnify their faults. Wewill tolerate what all they do.