Thursday, September 20, 2007

You reap what you sow .

King Solomon says : There is a time for everything. To be happy , to be sad,and also to plant, to pluck,to collect stones and to throw them away. But in real life, we see what we do to others, is done to us .Some people do not care for their parents. They often forget that they have children on whom they have to depend in future. We see that they love their children and take care of them. Remember, you will reap what you sow.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Be calm.

Sometimes we are disturbed by certain things which occur around us.We compare the things with things happened in the past.We behaved in a different way. Nowadays youngsters are not like us.Their views are different from ours.We should be patient and calm in our behaviour. Ithink of a quote I like very much throughout my life." Let me be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind."

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Be happy.

What a wonderful life it is.God created humanbeings and asked them to be masters of all creations.But man disobeyed His command and sin came into this world.The result was Adam and Eve were driven away from the garden of Eden. Why this old story? Even today, inspite of all the comforts man has, his soul is restless.He should realize his position.Man is born free, he has freedom to do whatever he wants. His discernment is the God given gift.Why should he be sad?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Be patient.

India is known for it's joint family system. Parents,grandparents,children,grandchildren lived together and the families also were large families.So more than ten people were living together.The ladies in the joint family learnt adjustment.Nowadays the only son of a family lives in a separate house with his wife.Even a small comment from her own husband is not tolerated by a wife.Separation is very common in India now. Women should learn to be patient to make their lives happy.They must keep safe the Indian tradition.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Life today.

We live in a busy world.Children at the age of three are under tension because of exams.In olden days children went to school by walk. In the evening they used to go out and play with neighbouring children. But now, playing outside is not at all seen. They sit before the T.V. or computer and spend hours together. They go for tuition and always busy to live in the competitive world. They are deprived of the happiness of the peer group.This is not good for the personality development of children.

Monday, September 10, 2007


Have you heard of Goliath? He is a character in the old testament of The Holy Bible. He was a giant of Philistine and he challenged the people of Israel and their king Saul. Everyone was afraid of him. But, David a shepherd boy, defeated and killed him because God was with him. Even today, we come across a number of Goliaths in our life, All the social evils are Goliaths.We should be able to win them with the help of God.David used a pebble to kill Goliath.We must take the pebble of prayer to defeat him.

Saturday, September 08, 2007


We live in a busy world. Young people are busy with their job. They don"t have time for talking with their aged parents. They don"t want to listen to their valuable advice. Nowadays, the rich experience of old people are ignored and so the old people talk less at homes. Young people talk much about things which are new to old people. There are still some people who give due regard to the opinion of their parents.Such people will definitely be victorious in their lives because they value the experience of their parents.Let us learn to respect old people at home.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Parenting kids

Children are the gift given to parents to make their life cheerful. Childless couple suffer much in their life. Bringing up children in proper way is the duty of parents. We should not treat them as animals or nonliving things.Kids have a soft mind which should be handled carefully. At the sametime, we have to correct them when they misbehave. A child left to his own wish will bring shame to his parents. We must be a model to them.Then they will listen to what we say. Lead him in the right path when he is young, he will adhere to it when he grows old.